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Real Estate Marketing Online: How to Capture Leads with Website Downloads

Here's one I hear a lot. "I need a real estate marketing website that will generate leads for me."

To which I usually respond, "Who doesn't want a website like that?"

I'd pay a hefty premium for a marketing website that generates leads. That would be something, wouldn't it? Imagine, sitting back and sipping a glass of lemonade while your website magically generated online leads for you.

In reality, websites don't generate much of anything. They're just a communication medium. It's the person (or people) behind the website that generates the leads. More specifically, it's the content generated by the person behind the website that creates desire in the mind of the reader, which in turn generates leads.

And one of the best ways to do that is by using downloads.

What's a Download?

A download is any product that can be downloaded directly from a website. In real estate marketing, downloads are used to generate leads. The prospect fills out a form, or emails the website owner, in exchange for the download. They get something of value, and the marketer gets a fresh new lead. Quid pro quo via the Web.

But slapping together some content into a PDF document and posting it online is not enough. Like any aspect of real estate marketing, you should take a strategic approach to creating your downloads. That is, if you expect to generate leads with them.

What Makes a Good Download?

In marketing terms, a good download must carry value, and it must be related to your services. The higher value, the greater number of leads it will generate. And by making it relevant to your services, the download can position you as an authority, a "safe bet" in the prospect's mind.

Prospects Must Find It The best website download is worthless if people can't find it. So place yours somewhere prominent and visible on your website. Prioritize it within the hierarchy of your website. If the point of your website is to generate leads -- and you intend to generate those leads by using a download -- you need to place it front and center.

What's the primary goal of your website? If it's lead generation, then your lead-generating tool should be the primary item on your home page. Everything else should be secondary. The best offer in the world is worthless if nobody can find it.

Prospects Must Want It

Finding your download is only half the equation. Your prospects must also understand the value behind it. They must realize how it will save them time or money, make them wealthier or wiser, or help them avoid something bad. In short, their desire to have the download must be greater than their inclination to ignore it.

Keep in mind, also, that valuable does not have to mean expensive. Maybe you've created a guide to mortgages, or a collection of real estate tips. Such a guide won't cost much for you to put together, but it will offer two powerful benefits to the reader -- knowledge and convenience.

Sure, your prospects could spend hours researching the topic to gain the same knowledge you're offering. But why go to the trouble when you've done it for them? This is your value proposition. Valuable knowledge, easily gained.

Prospects Must Be Able to Get It

Make it as easy as possible for prospects to download your item. There's no reason to make them fill out a lengthy form for a simple download. Stick with the minimum information you need, like their name and email address.

Of course, the higher the value of your download, the more you'll get away with in this department. But a simpler process will produce more leads, so it makes good marketing sense to keep things simple.


Website downloads are a great way to generate leads through your real estate marketing website. But in order to maximize the quantity and quality of leads you get, you have to apply the fundamentals outlined above. Create (or buy) something of value that's relevant to your services. Make it easy to find on your site, and make it easy to download. Show the value of it clearly and thoroughly.

* Copyright 2006, Brandon Cornett. You may republish this article in its entirety, provided you leave the byline, author's note and website hyperlink intact.

About the author:

Brandon Cornett is the author of "The Modern Guide to Real Estate Marketing" and the founder of To sign up for his free newsletter, or to read similar articles on real estate marketing, visit http://